Despite stagnating and even decreasing income over the past year or two, the cost of just about everything is on the rise. Still nothing—not inflation in gas, food, or building materials—can begin to compare with the increases we’ve seen in the cost of healthcare. The truth is that the Covid 19 pandemic threw a wrench into an already-broken American healthcare system.
Rising premiums, drug prices, insufficient numbers of healthcare professionals, and the growing burden of medical debt have plagued the United States for some time before the virus arrived on the scene.
But these longstanding factors combined with the Covid crisis throughout our healthcare system has produced what could turn out to be a positive trend: “the consumerization of health care.” At its core, consumerization means a shift in focus, away from the healthcare market as a whole and toward the individual consumer.
In fact, healthcare and benefits must be consumer-led in order to accomplish their primary goal of protecting your health and financial security. According to The Institute for HealthCare Consumerism, this shift is an inescapable and growing trend—one that employers must understand when considering utilizing new technologies and tools to the arena of employee benefits.
Actually, it’s good news! Medicine and technology have never been more connected. Because big data and personalization have already transformed other industries, the time is now ripe for a new consumer-centered approach in the healthcare and insurance sectors.
You no longer need to sign on to healthcare plans that don’t work for you or select from a host of options without knowing how they will impact you financially.
Instead, the unique health, family, and financial information you share should be used to help you better understand your needs and show you why one plan is better for you than another.
Our products enable employers to adapt their benefits strategies in ways that help employees to select the benefits options that fit them best at open enrollment. How?
We guide consumers through a simple process that ensures that their unique lifestyle and priorities are factored into the recommendations they receive. And we leverage over 3 billion data points and 200 million healthcare claims to make recommendations that are informed by actual outcomes.
As the healthcare journey becomes increasingly complex, we know that there’s no such thing as a best-choice-for-everyone. With Nayya, employers can prevent the members of their team from choosing the wrong plans and benefits for them and steer them in a direction that leads to measurable improvements in health and financial well-being.
But it doesn’t end there. We know that choosing the right benefits doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll use them effectively. That’s why Nayya supports and tracks how you use your benefits throughout the year and provides actionable tips for saving money along the way. If a different pharmacy would cost you less, Nayya will let you know. If an in-network specialist is available, Nayya will help you find one.
The future of employer provided healthcare and benefits is hyper-personalized and consumer-driven. And better yet, Nayya makes that future available now.
Are you sick of feeling confused about the benefits you select? Tired of overpaying or under-utilizing what your employer provides? Do you wish you could find ways to minimize escalating healthcare costs and save more money? Would you like to feel confident about the benefit selections you make and use them effectively throughout the year?
Maybe it’s time to let your employee benefits coordinator know about Nayya.