For all the bad news, the pandemic at least had one positive effect. The U.S. personal savings rate (the amount people are able to set aside after taxes and spending) skyrocketed to more than 30%. For the previous decade, it had hovered at 6 to 8%.
As the economy opens up once again, consumer spending will rise and savings is likely to plummet. And that’s very bad news for most of your employees. Those on the lower end of the wage spectrum may have actually suffered financial setbacks during the past year and a half, but even those who have established a nest egg can expect that to evaporate rapidly if habits return to “normal.” According to a 2019 report from the Federal Reserve, four out of 10 Americans would be unable to pay an unexpected $400 bill out of their savings.
You know that financial distress can cost your employees in a lot of ways. Relying on credit in the short term means paying more — usually a lot more — for goods and services over the long term. Dings to a credit score that result from late payment (or nonpayment) means that everything will cost more in the future. The stress of living paycheck to paycheck takes a toll on your employees’ health, and having workers distracted by financial concerns can negatively affect your company’s safety and productivity.
What can an employer do? Well, you could give everyone an across-the-board 30% pay hike to bring pay levels back in line with middle-class wages twenty years ago. But, if that’s not in the budget, there are still some ways you can help your staff get back on a firm financial footing.
With a partner like Nayya, you can help your employees make the most of their insurance plan.
Nayya supplies data-driven insights (drawing on more than three billion data points, two million claims, and six thousand networks) and provides personalized recommendations for your employees, so they understand their benefits. And each employee has a dashboard that will help them with all their insurance needs–finding a provider, saving on prescription medications, filing a claim.
Want to help your employees save money with a benefit plan that is easy to understand… and easy to use? Visit us at to schedule a guided demo today.